Hi, I'm
Myrna​ Tam-Natividad ​

If you love the idea of multiplying your business, increasing your business profits, accommodating new business ventures, providing jobs and training to a huge number of Filipinos, having the capacity to bless and share to others more and being a global entrepreneur, then you are on the right page.

Being a business woman can be overwhelming especially if it is only you, together with perhaps your significant other, who is running the business. You are the manager, accountant, bookkeeper, marketer, purchaser, delivery person, etc. At the same time, you are also fulfilling your duties as a wife and a mother.

You tell yourself: "It is time to grow your business." "It is time to expand." But something keeps getting in the way. It just seems there's so much to do and too little time.

I would often ask my business owner friends,

​'Why don't you expand your business?'

They would usually reply:

  • "I am not ambitious."
  • "Growing a business is complicated."
  • "I don't have additional capital."
  • I am contented with how my business is now.

Does this sound like you?

Be honest.

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    Do you feel overworked, overwhelmed, confused and frustrated with your business?
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    Do you worry that your sales are low and you still have so many stocks on hand?
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    Do you wish that you wish that you can attract new customers and keep them as your loyal fans?
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    Do you  you feel scared that you may be slowly losing your customers because new competitors are offering lower prices?
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    Do you feel all alone because even if your friends and family are supportive, but they don't quite "get it"?
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    Do you wish that you can leave your business for a few weeks to do what you enjoy and yet, you are afraid of what would happen to it when you are away?
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    Do you feel stuck in your business because it is not growing as fast as you expected it to?
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    Do you feel anxious just thinking about expanding your business?

I've been there, too.

These beliefs and fears were why my life went around in circles for years. This is why I know the painful moments that lie ahead for those who think this way.

Like you, I value family, working smart, continuous improvement, honesty and integrity, frugality, personal and professional development.

Hey, it's me!

I have always been a teacher at heart.

I guess I was born with that gene because teaching was what I have always wanted as early as 3 years old. I taught different college Math subjects for 8 years. After my eldest daughter was born, I had to have a sideline. I sold anything and everything on installment to my colleagues to help make ends meet. 

Myrna Tam Natividad and Angel Natividad

My husband Angel was the one who had the entrepreneurial gene. He dreamed of being a businessman as far back as he could remember. After our daughter was born, we ventured into several businesses, most of which failed because we did not know any better, both being graduates of non-business college programs.

For decades, we went around in circles looking for information and advice about how to start and grow our businesses. We searched for answers by going back to college and graduate school, consulting professors and consultants, reading both local and foreign books, listening to audio tapes, attending seminars, conferences, and shows here and abroad, reading blogs and websites, attending webinars, paying for online courses and seeking advice from mentors. In the process, we went into huge, huge debt as we experimented with everything we learned and made mistakes in the process of trying to survive.

Finally, after several failed businesses and wrong decisions, we finally got the formula right.

We discovered what we now call the Grow Your Business, Pinoy! Roadmap® (GYBP! Roadmap®). This was the blueprint that worked for us in all our businesses, every time and all the time.

We believe in having an abundance mentality.

We know that sharing our roadmap out into the world, instead of keeping it within the family, does not take away from us. Instead, it will be an invitation for others to collaborate with us in order to enrich the roadmap to be able to help more people. To us, life begins at 60. We will live the rest of our days, going around and spreading the good news about a simple roadmap that Pinoy micro and small business owners can follow to grow their businesses. The book is where it all starts.

Can I help you do the same?

Together with my team at Grow Your Business, Pinoy Inc., we aim to touch the lives and empower at least 10,000 women in my lifetime. This is what I dream of accomplishing through this blog.

Our mission is to help Filipino business owners, especially women, to grow their businesses so that they can provide jobs to others, help their family members and be models to their children.

This is why I am here as well: I want you to wake up and stop going around in circles with your business. It is my intention to hold your hand and lead you towards the way out of the maze.  We hope you'll join us.


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